Walk and Talk Counselling
in London Ontario
Some people find sitting in talk therapy uncomfortable.
So, let’s walk while we talk. We take all the elements of traditional counselling but remove the
sitting part. You set the pace and we’ll ask the questions. The natural environment can make it
easier to share, invite introspection and reflection, and help you access new insight. Likewise,
walking can help you process difficult emotions, get in touch with your body’s wisdom and help
you make difficult decisions.
Where do sessions take place?
We have a couple of routes we can take. Some are near the office and we can meet here, for
others we’ll need to meet somewhere else. All of the paths are flat and accessible to people of
varying abilities.
Who is a good fit for walk and talk therapy?
All clients wishing to engage in walk and talk therapy will start with an assessment session in
office. We’ll work together to decide whether walk and talk counselling is a good fit for your
counselling goals. You’ll be responsible for determining whether it’s a good fit for your physical
abilities and may wish to discuss this with your family doctor.
What about bad weather?
If we have a walk and talk session scheduled, let’s keep an eye on the weather. We can always
switch to meeting in office or online if the weather isn’t appropriate for a walk. Just email us if
you’d like to change the plan and we’ll do the same.
Is it private?
Being out in public, by nature, does come with some risks to your privacy. The routes we use
are quiet but there will be people around. Sometimes we may choose to briefly pause while
someone passes by, which also offers an opportunity for reflection. There is also the risk we
might run into someone that either of us knows. We’ll plan together, in advance, for how to
manage those situations.