Grief Counselling
in Toronto and London Ontario
available online across Ontario
What you can expect
Loss comes in many forms. You may be grieving the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, or perhaps the loss of an opportunity. Your grief may be related to death related losses or it may be related to circumstantial losses. Some losses are sudden, unexpected or traumatic. Other times we begin grieving an anticipated loss long before it occurs. Sometimes we need to grieve the los of something we needed and deserved but never had. Your grief is unique to your relationship with what has been lost and the challenges and opportunities presented by your circumstances.
We'll work with you to acknowledge your grief, create rituals to contain whatever emotions you need to process and engage in exercises that will preserve and honour your memories. While death or separation may end your ability to relate to your loved one in the outer world, grief counselling can help you relocate that relationship in your inner world. Loss creates a fundamental shift in our lives and grief counselling can help to reconstruct meaning.
Whatever you've lost, we will treat your grief with the honour and respect it deserves. You don’t have to be alone in your grief. While we can't take the pain away, we can help you carry and respond to it.
Have you lost an animal companion?
We offer pet loss grief counselling.
We understand the importance of the furriest members of your family and we’re honoured to walk alongside families who are grieving the loss of a pet.
Without formal pet bereavement rituals the loss of animal companion often goes unacknowledged by our communities. Unacknowledged grief can be isolating and difficult to cope with. Grief counselling can help to create a space for you to express your feelings, remember your lost companion, and engage in rituals to honour their loss. We’re here to accompany you as you mourn loss of your pet. Let’s sit together.
Support for grieving children and their families.
You can’t protect them from the pain of loss, but you can support them through it. And we can help.
Children grieve differently, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t grieving. Children need bereavement support that is informed by their development. While young children may struggle to understand the irreversibility of death, older children often wrestle with fears about their own death and that of other loved ones in the aftermath of a loss. As children grow older, they may need support to reprocess past losses they didn’t fully comprehend at the time.
Our child and youth therapists can help you compassionately meet your child’s current emotional and developmental bereavement needs while also creating a plan to support them as they revisit their grief in the future.